[Interest] L Word

Benjamin TERRIER b.terrier at gmail.com
Mon May 3 18:10:46 CEST 2021

Le lun. 3 mai 2021 à 18:03, <eric.fedosejevs at gmail.com> a écrit :

> So basically open source/standard Qt was considered appropriate for safety
> critical devices prior to the introduction of Safe Renderer in 2017, but
> now only commercial Qt with Safe Renderer is appropriate for that purpose.
> Before anyone says otherwise, Qt was widely used in safety critical
> applications before Safe Renderer existed. See for example the text from
> introductory blog post about Safe Renderer:
> “Industries such as automotive, medical and industrial automation, where
> Qt is the leading UI framework, can now satisfy safety critical
> requirements with Qt easier than before.”

Qt never came with functional safety guarantee, so if you want to use Qt
for that you have to audit and certify a specific Qt version (or whatever
the regulator asks you to do). That's what had to be done before the
introduction of Qt Safe Renderer, and that is something you can still do.

As the blog post says, the Qt Safe Renderer make it easier to use Qt in
functional safety products because you only need to have the Qt Safe
Renderer audited/certified an possibly it is something that TQC already
does, removing the burden from its clients.

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