[Interest] What is the right way of creating a static lib that has qml resources with cmake?

coroberti coroberti at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 11:00:38 CET 2023

On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 10:07 AM Nuno Santos <nuno.santos at imaginando.pt> wrote:
> Good morning Ulf,
> Ok, so this this the news Qt 6 / CMake approach to things and we can’t avoid it right?
> However, as it is, its buggy. I will upload my last week example to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-110110
> Because I’ve been struggling with this for days without having success. I’ve also shared this example with another top level Qt developer who couldn’t figure it out as well. I’ve only tested on Mac so far. At the time being this is a full blocker.
> Thanks for your help and insights.
> Have an excellent week!
> Best regards,
> Nuno

Dear Nuno,
On Mac, unlike on Windows, there's a concept of an app bundle.
The Qt shared libraries are copied by macdeployqt to the app bundle as
shared libraries called frameworks.

Thus, shared libraries are coming together with the exe and are easily

Perhaps, at least on Mac you do not need static linking and can rather
safely use the dynamic linking
to the libs within the bundle?


Kind regards,
Robert Iakobashvili

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