[Interest] Error when configuring Qt 6.X.Y to build from source on Windows with -openssl-linked

Alexandru Croitor alexandru.croitor at qt.io
Wed Jun 26 17:17:51 CEST 2024

You could try using --debug-find as described on https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Build_System_Glossary#CMake_find_package_troubleshooting

to see which paths cmake is considering when trying to find the openssl package, perhaps that reveals some new info why it is not found.

I would also check what's the value of OpenSSL_DIR in CMakeCache.txt after the error, just to confirm that the package is not found, and it's not some other issue.

Regarding compiling a project from the examples, the build system does not 'remember' which openssl was used when building qt, so you have to set the OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR
variable also when configuring the project, either via IDE kit settings, or on the command line.

> On 26. Jun 2024, at 17:11, Nuno Santos <nuno.santos at imaginando.pt> wrote:
> Alexander,
> Thanks for your reply.
> In the meantime I have realised that the OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR was actually wrong due to unzipping a folder that created another folder with the same name inside of it.
> However I have deleted the cmake cache file and the problem remains. I have even used the command:
> git submodule foreach --recursive "git clean -dfx" && git clean -dfx
> And ran configure again and the problem persists, now with the correct path.
> Am I missing something?
> Another issue is that when I try to compile a project from the examples with this custom kit I always have an error related with OPENSSL. Is there anything else I need to do in this specific case?
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Nuno
>> On 26 Jun 2024, at 14:29, Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor at qt.io> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You're telling the build system to link openssl, but openssl was likely not found.
>> Perhaps you have it installed in a different path on the new machine, and the value you pass to OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR is incorrect.
>>> On 26. Jun 2024, at 15:23, Nuno Santos via Interest <interest at qt-project.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I’ve been building Qt 6.X.Y successfully from the source on Windows with the following configuration command:
>>> configure.bat -prefix C:\Qt\6.6.3\msvc2019_static -static -static-runtime -debug-and-release -nomake examples -nomake tests -nomake benchmarks -nomake manual-tests -nomake minimal-static-tests -openssl-linked -qtnamespace com_imaginando_qt_6_6_3 -- -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="C:\Qt-Utils\openssl" -DOPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=TRUE
>>> But today, after installing MSVC on a new machine with a different because I need to test with a different graphics card, I got:
>>> CMake Error at qtbase/cmake/QtBuildInformation.cmake:523 (message):
>>> Feature "openssl": Forcing to "ON" breaks its condition:
>>>    QT_FEATURE_openssl_runtime OR QT_FEATURE_openssl_linked
>>> Condition values dump:
>>>    QT_FEATURE_openssl_runtime = "OFF"
>>>    QT_FEATURE_openssl_linked = "OFF"
>>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>> qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:317 (qt_configure_add_report_error)
>>> qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:437 (qt_feature_check_and_save_internal_value)
>>> qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:706 (qt_evaluate_feature)
>>> qtbase/cmake/QtBaseGlobalTargets.cmake:109 (qt_feature_module_end)
>>> qtbase/CMakeLists.txt:143 (include)
>>> First I thought it was a CMake version problem so I have installed CMake 3.25.1 the same version of the machine I have made this same build a couple of days ago.
>>> But even with CMake 3.25.1 it fails to configure in the same way. The only difference is probably the MSVC19 version because it was installed today on this machine.
>>> Can someone please advise what is wrong with the configure line?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nuno
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