[Interest] Update widget geometry BEFORE window shown

David M. Cotter dave at kjams.com
Wed May 29 20:05:15 CEST 2024

Can any one recommend a way to temporarily remove the boundary constraints for displaying a window? so that we CAN “Show” it way off the screen, so it is “visible” so it can do what I’m asking?

> On May 28, 2024, at 4:00 PM, David M. Cotter <dave at kjams.com> wrote:
> Yes I did. Sorry I didn’t document that:
> 				//	this doesn't work because the window position is constrained to the boundaries
> 				//	of the display. it shows at (0, 0), causing an on-screen flash.
> 				//	can the constraint be temporarily lifted so it actually shows at (-32000, -32000) ??
>> On May 26, 2024, at 11:05 PM, coroberti <coroberti at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have you tried the suggestion from Henry to move the window first to the negative coordinates?

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