[Qt-l10n] Qt5 translation

Victor Ostashevsky ostash at ostash.kiev.ua
Fri Apr 13 16:51:21 CEST 2012


Looks like in few month Qt5 will reach stage where we can start its
I'm wondering whether we have any plan/ideas how it should look like?
Are we going to split translations by modules/tool (i.e. qtbase, qt3d,
assistant, qtxmlpatterns)?
Or we will keep single Qt translation file for all modules and several
extra files for tools?
Should we still keep this splitting information in translation.pro or
doesn't it make more sense that each
module should provide its own translation.pri file (which should describe
localization targets available for certain module)?

I can work on this if someone provide me with information about our

З повагою, Осташевський Віктор
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