[PySide] Shiboken C++ => Python exceptions translation

Hugo Parente Lima hugo.lima at openbossa.org
Mon Apr 30 16:47:10 CEST 2012

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 06:06:35 PM Dennis Victorovich wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Please correct me if i'm wrong, but currently shiboken doesn't have a
> mechanism for handling C++ code that throws exceptions.

You are right, PySide doesn't support exception translation.
> We've tackle this problem within our project and workaround is not really
> pretty (a bunch of extra code with try/catch and boost::bind).
> Anyone have a bright ides how to solve the problem?
> I've created suggestion for improvement
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/PYSIDE-62.

You need to implement this feature on the Generator itself, I would separate 
this in two steps:

1. Do not translate anything, just catch all C++ exception and throw a Python 
2. Think about a way to specify a exception translation mechanism in the 

The step 1 will require some changes in the generator, the generator code 
isn't trivial, besides being a bit ugly due to the bad API of ApiExtractor but 
IMO you must try to hack the generator and implement this feature.
> Best regards.
> Dennis.
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