[PySide] supehybrids

Tommaso Vinci tommaso.vinci at polytechnique.fr
Sat Apr 28 18:56:37 CEST 2012

Dear all,
I'm trying do do exactly what superhybrids tutorial
(http://lynxline.com/superhybrids-part-2-now-qt-pyside/) does, but I
get in trouble at a certain point:

in the build.sh, after running generatorruner, it does a qmake in the
hybridpy directory
and it complains by
WARNING: Failure to find: PyHybrid/mainwindow_wrapper.cpp

and then it can't compile.

I don't understand the whole generatorruner stuff but I think that
that file should have been generated at that moment
I've uploaded here : http://dl.free.fr/pMld77LUj  the .zip stuff
(I had to modify a bit 'cause I'm on osx...)

and here is just the generatorrunner command:
cd hybridpy
--generator-set=/usr/lib/generatorrunner/shiboken_generator.dylib \
    --include-paths=../hybrid:$QTCORE_INC:$QTGUI_INC:/usr/include \
    --typesystem-paths=../data:$QTTYPESYSTEM \
    --output-directory=. \
    ../data/global.h \
    ../data/typesystem.xml \
    --enable-pyside-extensions \

did anyone succeed in doing this tutorial?


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