[PySide] Purpose of the Notify kwarg in QtCore.Property

Hugo Parente Lima hugo.lima at openbossa.org
Wed Oct 10 21:36:52 CEST 2012

On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 02:28:31 PM Tony Barbieri wrote:
> Hello,

It's a signal that you must emit to notify others that your property changed, 
QML uses this signal a lot.
> I am trying to figure out what the notify kwarg does in the QtCore.Property
> command.  I thought that it would emit a signal whenever a Property
> changes, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.  I was trying it with
> the following code:
> from PySide import QtCore
> @QtCore.Slot(int)
> def updated(val):
>     print 'Updated!!'
> class MyObject(QtCore.QObject):
>     def __init__(self, startval=42):
>         QtCore.QObject.__init__(self)
>         self.ppval = startval
>     def set_pp(self, val):
>         self.ppval = val
>     def get_pp(self):
>         return self.ppval
>     pp_changed = QtCore.Signal(int)
>     pp = QtCore.Property(int, get_pp, set_pp, notify=pp_changed)
> obj = MyObject()
> obj.pp_changed.connect(updated)
> obj.pp = 47
> print obj.pp
> I could just have the pp_changed emit within set_pp but my understanding is
> that this is a shortcut to not have to add that line.
> Thanks!
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