[PySide] How to build shiboken on Window XP + MinGW+Qt4.8.1

ZHONG Zhu Zhu.Zhong at alcatel-sbell.com.cn
Wed Jan 9 06:48:41 CET 2013

You're right, it's only a warning. I compiled it successfully and as expected, no documents were generated. But it's good enough. Thank you, John!

-----Original Message-----
From: John Ehresman [mailto:jpe at wingware.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:59 PM
Cc: pyside at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [PySide] How to build shiboken on Window XP + MinGW+Qt4.8.1

On 1/8/13 9:04 PM, ZHONG Zhu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to build shiboken 1.1.2 from source with configuration of
> Window XP + MinGW+Qt4.8.1 but always got below error.
> Believe it's  because I didn't install libxml2 and libxslt. So I
> installed these 2 application using their windows binary installer.
> After they were installed, I added their bin folders to my PATH and
> camke shiboken again. Same error. Can anyone help me on this?

I can't comment on how to install and use the libraries, but I'm pretty
sure the "libxslt and/or libxml not found, disabling support for doc
strings!" is just a warning and the makefiles should be generated.  I've
been building without the two xml libraries using VC++ and haven't
noticed problems.



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