[PySide] Installing Qt Quick Controls

Gargi Das gargi.das at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 19 14:23:43 CEST 2013

Yes absolutely PySide is still not Qt5 so we all have to wait for that and the qt controls !!

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: khertan at khertan.net<mailto:khertan at khertan.net>
Sent: ‎19-‎07-‎2013 05:15 PM
To: pyside at qt-project.org<mailto:pyside at qt-project.org>; Payam Shiva<mailto:payaam.shivaa at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PySide] Installing Qt Quick Controls

 Hi, that's part of Qt5 if i m right ...
PySide isn't Qt5 ready ...

Benoît HERVIER - http://khertan.netLe 19/07/13 10:35 Payam Shiva a écrit :

I need to use Qt Quick Controls (or Qt Desktop Components) with PySide. I can't find an installation guide for PySide. Could you help me with this?

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