[PySide] Problem - Painter and TableWidget

Christophe BAL projetmbc at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 18:28:34 CET 2013

I would like to draw some shapes upon some cells of tablewidget. One
solution was proposed to me on
the site stackoverflow.

The following code works with *PySide 1.0.1-1* in *Ubuntu 0.1* but not with
*PySide 1.1.0.* in *Enthought*
*Python Distribution (EPD) Free **version - Version: 7.3-2 (32-bit)*. I
have the following message :

QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a

What is the problem ?

Best regards.

*===**===** CODE **===**===*
*#! /usr/bin/env python2.7*
*# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-*
*import sys*
*from PySide import QtCore, QtGui*
*class PaintTable(QtGui.QTableWidget):*
*    def __init__(self, parent):*
*        QtGui.QTableWidget.__init__(self, parent)*
*        self.center = QtCore.QPoint(-10,-10)*
*    def paintEvent(self, event):*
*        painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.viewport()) #See:
*        painter.drawEllipse(self.center,10,10)*
*        QtGui.QTableWidget.paintEvent(self,event)*
*        painter.end()*
*    def mousePressEvent(self, event):*
*        if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:*
*            self.center = QtCore.QPoint(event.pos().x(),  event.pos().y())*
*            print self.center*
*            self.viewport().repaint()*
*        elif event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:*
*            QtGui.QTableWidget.mousePressEvent(self,event)*
*class MainWindow(PaintTable):*
*    def __init__(*
*        self,*
*        parent = None*
*    ):*
*        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)*
*# General grid*
*        self.table = PaintTable(self)*
*        self.nbrow, self.nbcol = 9, 9*
*        self.table.setRowCount(self.nbrow)*
*        self.table.setColumnCount(self.nbcol)*
*        for row in range(0, self.nbrow):*
*            self.table.setRowHeight(row, 50)*
*            for col in range(0, self.nbcol):*
*                self.table.setColumnWidth(col, 50)*
*# Each cell contains one single QTableWidgetItem*
*        for row in range(0, self.nbrow):*
*            for col in range(0, self.nbcol):*
*                item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem()*
*                item.setTextAlignment(*
*                    QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter*
*                )*
*                self.table.setItem(row, col, item)*
*# Header formatting*
*        font = QtGui.QFont()*
*        font.setFamily(u"DejaVu Sans")*
*        font.setPointSize(12)*
*        self.table.horizontalHeader().setFont(font)*
*        self.table.verticalHeader().setFont(font)*
*# Font used*
*        font = QtGui.QFont()*
*        font.setFamily(u"DejaVu Sans")*
*        font.setPointSize(20)*
*        self.table.setFont(font)*
*# Global Size*
*        self.resize(60*9, 60*9 + 20)*
*# Layout of the table*
*        layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()*
*        layout.addWidget(self.table, 0, 0)*
*        self.setLayout(layout)*
*# Set the focus in the first cell*
*        self.table.setFocus()*
*        self.table.setCurrentCell(0, 0)*
*if __name__ == "__main__":*
*    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)*
*    fen = MainWindow()*
*    fen.show()*
*    sys.exit(app.exec_())*
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