[PySide] Qt5 support

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Nov 18 23:59:53 CET 2013

On 11/07/13 21:53, John Ehresman wrote:
> On 7/11/13 11:40 AM, Fabien Castan wrote:
>> Has someone started some development or test for Qt5 support?
>> ...
>> I don’t know what is the difficulty to switch to Qt5. There is always a
>> discussion about improving the binding tool with the binding of Qt5. Are
>> these improvements really needed for Qt5 support?
> We talked about this at the sprint and decided to look at alternative
> binding tools in conjunction with supporting Qt5.  The goal will be a
> set of bindings that the developers who are currently supporting PySide
> can more easily support and maintain.  None of us were involved with the
> development of shiboken and we would like to look at alternatives.
> That said, developer could begin looking at the changes required by Qt
> 5.  PySide is developed and maintained by the community and well thought
> out patches and other changes to support Qt 5 would likely be accepted.

I got a possible offer to do the migration to Qt5.
Because I never looked into this, I am not quite sure how to estimate the
hours. As far as I read here, I have the rough idea of 100 to 300 hours.
Am I over- or under-estimating very much?

cheers - Chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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