[PySide] Using a QSvgWidget in Qt Designer

henry.wede at yahoo.com henry.wede at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 23 22:16:00 CEST 2020

I am trying to display some SVG files in a QMainWindow.  I am using QtDesigner and not really interested in hand-coding the UI widgets.  How to I insert a QSvgWidget into a layout using QtDesigner?  I suspect that I drag a QWidget onto the layout and then "promote" it somehow but I don't understand how to do this correctly.  I am pretty good at doing it "incorrectly".
The current plan is to store the SVG images in a resource file and load them from there.  I haven't got that far, but I am hoping that the QSvgWidget has a load method that will understand that?
Thank you for the help.
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