[PySide] How to create Qt lib bindings and publicate it to pip

Михаил Миловидов milovidovmikhail at gmail.com
Sun May 3 13:04:32 CEST 2020

Thank you for answering my questions!

I still not understand how to compile python package compatable with
pyside2, but I will try several ways:
1. Build my package with the my devel environment and hope, that this will
work with pyside2 package.
2. Download pyside2 wheels and link with them
3. Build in docker container manylinux2014 (but, still not understand which
compiler and compilation flags I need to use).
4. Something else

Thank you for attention!

сб, 2 мая 2020 г. в 19:00, <icfwm at gmx.net>:

> Probably they are not really compatible with the python manylinux
>> conventions (but PySide2 itself is not either, see the manlinux1 thread).
>> The manylinux binary distributions use old compilers and old libs to
>> provide binary compatibility. Same is done for QT binary distributions, but
>> with slightly different assumptions. manylinux2014 and Qt5.x assumptions
>> are sufficiently similar from my experience, though.
> Ok, good suggestion! But, which compiler is actual? Clang or gcc? Which
> compiler flags I need to set? )
> Gold standard is using the published docker containers for building. All
> these issues are discussed in the PEP's defining the manylinux variants. I
> fear there is no way around reading into those when you want to distribute
> binary linux python wheels.
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