[PySide] PySide6 Video

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Wed Mar 3 04:47:44 CET 2021

I watched Qt/Christian's video at https://youtu.be/1ljPk7ZInRo about PySide6.

I have a few comments.
1. The audio is terrible, there's a lot of reverberation like it was filmed in a empty conference room, and a small one at that.
2. having the speaker inside with the slide is the entire screen is a huge visual improvement over previous Qt videos. Very nice to see!
3. I was very impressed with all the progress made towards making pyside a proper python community member.
4. The video seemingly ends at 26:54, But I continues silent and black for another hour and 4 minutes.
5. There's like a minute of green screen at the end. Easter egg? Doesn't seem like a Marvel post-credits scene...

6. The biggest caveat to using Python as I understand it is multi-threading. The python global interpreter lock requires use of the "multiprocessing module" however there is huge performance degradation as a result, whereas a QThread/QRunnable would be ideal. Is there a way to thread this needle and get concurrency through Qt?

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