[QBS] RFC pkgconfig support

Joerg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at nokia.com
Thu Feb 23 10:52:11 CET 2012

Here's a sketch of how we could add pkgconfig support (or other 
configure-like stuff) to qbs. (The used Process "class" doesn't exist yet.)

Application {
     name: "myapp"
     Depends { name: "pkconfig" }
     pkconfig.packages: ["opengl", "zlib"]

Module {
     property var binary: "pkgconfig"
     property var packages

     Depends { name: "cpp" }

     cpp.cxxflags: cpp.cflags
     cpp.cflags: {
         var p = new Process();
         var exitCode = p.start(binary, "--cflags");
         var output = p.readAll();
         return output;

     cpp.ldflags: {
         var p = new Process();
         var exitCode = p.start(binary, "--libs");
         var output = p.readAll();
         return output;

Comments appreciated.


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