[QBS] How to getting the directory contained the qbs file.

罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) luoyonggang at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 07:25:27 CET 2013

for example, I have a script dll_template.qbs file located in dir
"testQbs\", the content is:
import qbs
Product {
    Depends { name: "cpp" }
    Depends { condition: project.enableUnitTests; name: "Qt.test" }
    type: "dynamiclibrary"
    cpp.includePaths: [



and have the other qbs scrit dll_a.qbs localted in dir "testQbs\testA\",
the content is:
import qbs
from "../dll_template.qbs" as Dll
Dll {
   name: "DllA"
   files:  [

So that the in product DllA, the cpp can have the include path

Yonggang Luo
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