[QBS] qbs.getenv() in qbsSearchPaths not working

Epting, Thomas thomas.epting at stryker.com
Mon Nov 18 16:41:05 CET 2013


I'm currently testing QtCreator 3.0 beta (on Windows) and noticed that
using qbs.getenv() in qbsSearchPaths is not working. For example:

    qbsSearchPaths: qbs.getenv("MYROOT") + "/mypath/qbs"

In this case I get an error message: "ReferenceError: Can't find
variable: qbs". In QtCreator 2.8.1, I've used moduleSearchPath instead,
which had no problems with qbs.getenv(). As a workaround, I can resolve
getenv() manually and use its value in the string constant directly.
Also, qbs.getenv() is working perfectly in other cases in the same file.

Is this working as designed? Or is it a known/new issue? In the latter
case, I could create a bug report in Jira.


Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Oliver Baertl
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