[QBS] propagate compiler options

Marcel Mulder marcel.mulder at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 10 14:41:41 CET 2015

Hi All,

How can I propagate compiler options to referenced projects?
For example:

Project {
    references: [

        type: "application"
        name: “example"

        Depends { name: "cpp" }
        Depends { name: "kernel" }

        cpp.defines: [“THUMB" ]
        cpp.warningLevel: "all"
        cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors: true
        cpp.positionIndependentCode: false
        cpp.commonCompilerFlags: [
        cpp.includePaths: [ "." ]
        files: [ “main.c" ]


I want the source files in kernel.qbs to be compiled with the same compiler options as in the example product. How can I do that?

Regards, Marcel

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