[QBS] Install only product don't get run

Thebault, Remi remi.thebault at outlook.com
Thu Jul 2 16:10:13 CEST 2015


I have in one QBS project a few dll, test executables, one main executable and a "Deploy" product that only consist in staging binary dependencies in install-root during the deploy step.
Purpose is to have a complete installed product that I can run without tweaking the path or run some script (I run on Windows).

Since I switched from Qt Creator 3.3.0 to 3.4.1, the Deploy product is not deployed anymore.
(not sure of QBS versions)

the deploy product looks like this:

Product {

    name: "Deploy"

    Depends { name: "Qt.core" }

    // other dependencies


    property path qtBinPath: Qt.core.binPath

    property path qtPluginPath: Qt.core.pluginPath

    // other paths



    property string libSuffix: {

        if (qbs.enableDebugCode) return "d";

        return "";




    Group {

        name: "Qt core modules"

        qbs.install: true

        qbs.installDir: "."

        files: [

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "icudt54.dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "icuin54.dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "icuuc54.dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "Qt5Core"+libSuffix+".dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "Qt5Gui"+libSuffix+".dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtBinPath, "Qt5Widgets"+libSuffix+".dll")



    Group {

        name: "Qt platform plugin"

        qbs.install: true

        qbs.installDir: "platforms"

        files: [

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtPluginPath, "platforms", "qwindows"+libSuffix+".dll")



    Group {

        name: "Qt sqlite plugin"

        qbs.install: true

        qbs.installDir: "sqldrivers"

        files: [

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtPluginPath, "sqldrivers", "qsqlite"+libSuffix+".dll")



    Group {

        name: "Qt images plugins"

        qbs.install: true

        qbs.installDir: "imageformats"

        files: [

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtPluginPath, "imageformats", "qico"+libSuffix+".dll"),

            FileInfo.joinPaths(qtPluginPath, "imageformats", "qjpeg"+libSuffix+".dll")



    // other similar install groups


Do you have an idea of what got wrong?
Should I file a bug?

thank you

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