[Qbs] Reducing clazy noise

Elyzabeth von Reuenthal elyzabethvonreuenthal at iserlohn-fortress.net
Sun Apr 23 17:52:45 CEST 2017


I'm using the clazy plugin[0] for clang to check my source code during 
compile. I enabled it like this:

> // enable clazy if using clang
> Properties {
>     condition: cpp.compilerName.contains("clang")
>     cpp.cxxFlags: ["-Xclang", "-load", "-Xclang", "ClangLazy.so", "-Xclang",
>     "-add-plugin", "-Xclang", "clang-lazy"]
> }

This however produces warning for both my code, and Qt headers. To fix this, 
the readme says:
> If you want to suppress warnings from headers of Qt or 3rd party code,
> include them with -isystem instead of -I.

How can I achieve this with qbs?



[0]: https://github.com/KDE/clazy
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