[Qbs] tst_blackbox-qt fails
Richard Weickelt
richard at weickelt.de
Sat Dec 29 08:48:37 CET 2018
I tried to build Qbs from source and to run the autotests on Debian stretch
with Qt 5.9.7 and 5.12.0. After creating a Qt profile (with the built Qbs)
and setting the undocumented QBS_AUTOTEST_PROFILE variable I still see some
tests failing in tst_blackbox-qt (see log below).
Looking closer at TestBlackboxQt::includedMocCpp() this test fails even with
Qbs 1.12.2.
I need some guidance how to properly setup the autotests. In addition, I
would like to know how The Qt Company is running Qbs regression tests today
on which platforms and when. The page at
http://doc.qt.io/qbs/building-qbs.html does not talk about autotests and the
docker images are outdated. Thus I assume that the information on this page
is not used.
I would be willing to update the Docker infrastructure and the
documentation. It might be beneficial if anybody could easily run all
autotests without setting anything up on the local system.
Best regards
********* Start testing of TestBlackboxQt *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.12.0, Qt 5.12.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64
shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.3.1 20160406 (Red Hat 5.3.1-6))
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::initTestCase()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::addQObjectMacroToGeneratedCppFile()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::autoQrc()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::cachedQml()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::combinedMoc()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::createProject()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::dbusAdaptors()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::dbusInterfaces()
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::includedMocCpp() ERROR: /usr/bin/g++
-L/usr/local/Qt/5.12.0/gcc_64/lib -m64 -o
/usr/local/Qt/5.12.0/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so.5.12.0 -lpthread
In function `MyObject::MyObject()':
undefined reference to `vtable for MyObject'
In function `MyObject::~MyObject()':
undefined reference to `vtable for MyObject'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: Process failed with exit code 1.
The following products could not be built for configuration default:
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::includedMocCpp() Restoring build graph from disk
Building for configuration default
compiling myobject.cpp [included-moc-cpp]
linking included-moc-cpp [included-moc-cpp]
FAIL! : TestBlackboxQt::includedMocCpp() Compared values are not the same
Actual (runQbs()): 1
Expected (0) : 0
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(155)]
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::lrelease()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::mixedBuildVariants()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::mocAndCppCombining()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::mocFlags()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::mocSameFileName()
SKIP : TestBlackboxQt::pkgconfig() pkgconfig or Qt not found
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(243)]
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::pluginMetaData()
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::pluginSupport(request valid plugins) ERROR:
Error while handling product 'plugin-support':
Dependency 'Qt.plugin_support' not found for product 'plugin-support'.
Please create a Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool if you haven't
already done so.
Dependency 'Qt.plugin_support' not found for product 'plugin-support'.
Please create a Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool if you haven't
already done so.
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::pluginSupport(request valid plugins) Build graph
does not yet exist for configuration 'default'. Starting from scratch.
Resolving project for configuration default
FAIL! : TestBlackboxQt::pluginSupport(request valid plugins) Compared
values are not the same
Actual (runQbs(resolveParams) == 0): 0
Expected (!invalidPlugin) : 1
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(275)]
FAIL! : TestBlackboxQt::pluginSupport(request invalid plugin)
'm_qbsStderr.contains("Plugin 'dummy' of type 'imageformats' was requested,
" "but is not available")' returned FALSE. (ERROR:
Error while handling product 'plugin-support':
Dependency 'Qt.plugin_support' not found for product 'plugin-support'.
Please create a Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool if you haven't
already done so.
Dependency 'Qt.plugin_support' not found for product 'plugin-support'.
Please create a Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool if you haven't
already done so.
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(278)]
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::qmlDebugging()
SKIP : TestBlackboxQt::qobjectInObjectiveCpp() only applies on macOS
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(330)]
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::qtKeywords()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::quickCompiler()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::qtScxml()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::removeMocHeaderFromFileList()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::staticQtPluginLinking()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::trackAddMocInclude()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::track_qobject_change()
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::track_qrc() ERROR:
Error while handling product 'i':
Unknown property: modules.Qt.core.enableBigResources
QDEBUG : TestBlackboxQt::track_qrc() Restoring build graph from disk
Resolving project for configuration default
FAIL! : TestBlackboxQt::track_qrc() Compared values are not the same
Actual (runQbs(QbsRunParameters("resolve",
{"modules.Qt.core.enableBigResources:true"}))): 1
Expected (0)
: 0
Loc: [/project/tests/auto/blackbox/tst_blackboxqt.cpp(477)]
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::unmocable()
PASS : TestBlackboxQt::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 24 passed, 4 failed, 2 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 68549ms
********* Finished testing of TestBlackboxQt *********
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