[Qbs] qbs command line help vs. documentation on qbs.io needs clarification

Maximilian Hrabowski hrabowski at clausmark.com
Fri Jan 18 14:35:24 CET 2019

Hi all,

when looking at the command line help of the build command i get:

qbs build [options] [[config:<configuration-name>] [<property>:<value>] ...] …
Builds a project in one or more configuration(s).
So for me this means i can build my project with:

> qbs config:debug profile:myQtProfile —build-directory ../build

However, when looking at the doc at http://doc.qt.io/qbs/building-applications.html i can read:

> qbs build profile:Android debug release

.. so the profile seems to come first but just “debug” seems to be something different than “config:debug” and profile:xxx looks like a property assignment which should come after the config according to the cmd help...

Further below the doc says: "The position of the property assignment is important. In the example above, the profile property is set for all build configurations that come afterwards.”

So my questions are:

- Is profile:xxx a property assignment or something special and should it come before the config:xxx parameters of after?
- What means “debug” (qbs.io<http://qbs.io>) compared to “config:debug” (cmd help), which is right, which is outdated?

For my configuration, it does not work if config:debug comes before the profile, but i do not have any default profile set.

Best regards,

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