[Qbs] Install/Depends resolution changed from qbs 1.12.2 to qbs 1.13.0?

Maximilian Hrabowski hrabowski at clausmark.com
Thu May 16 11:17:37 CEST 2019

Hi all,

after upgrading to qbs 1.13 our build was broken.

During the build process a generator tool it built that depends on a framework which is also build. The generator tool is later used to generate code that will be compiled into static libraries (services):

1. build framework “framework"
2. build generator “generator” (Depends on “framework, exports build rules)
3. build services (by running “generator” first)

The generator is installed to the install-root and executed from there.

With qbs 1.12.2 everything runs well, with qbs 1.13.0 the build breaks at 3:

- The generator cannot be executed because the dynamic library “framework” cannot be found.
- So it seems “generator” is executed before “framework” is installed to install-root

I’m not sure whether this is a regression (maybe introduced by the new install/installDir properties) or there is just a flaw in our dependencies.

Any ideas?

Best regards

Mob: +49 (173) 9168556
E-Mail: hrabowski at clausmark.com<mailto:hrabowski at clausmark.com>

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