[Qbs] Exporting Dependencies on generated files

Björn Schäpers qt-maillist at hazardy.de
Thu Nov 4 11:22:15 CET 2021

Hi there,

we have a static library which uses Protobuf, thus generates the headers, and 
compiles the code directly into it.

Static Library {
   Export {
     Depends { name: "cpp" }
     Depends { name: "protobuf.cpp" }
     cpp.systemIncludePaths: [product.protobuf.cpp.outputDir]

And some products which depend on that, but qbs does not order files of the 
dependent products which include the generated headers after the generation of 

Is there a way to ideally make the files which include to depend on the header 
generation, or at least block all actions on the dependent product wait until 
the static library is build?

If not, where would I have to look to implement stuff like that?

Kind Regards,

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