[Qbs] Exporting Dependencies on generated files

Christian Kandeler christian.kandeler at qt.io
Thu Nov 4 12:45:34 CET 2021

On 11/4/21 11:22, Björn Schäpers wrote:
> we have a static library which uses Protobuf, thus generates the 
> headers, and compiles the code directly into it.
> Static Library {
>   ...
>   Export {
>     Depends { name: "cpp" }
>     Depends { name: "protobuf.cpp" }
>     cpp.systemIncludePaths: [product.protobuf.cpp.outputDir]
>   }
> }
> And some products which depend on that, but qbs does not order files 
> of the dependent products which include the generated headers after 
> the generation of these.
> Is there a way to ideally make the files which include to depend on 
> the header generation, or at least block all actions on the dependent 
> product wait until the static library is build?

This should work if you include "hpp" in the type of the generating product.


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