[Qt-creator] Not stopping at breakpoint

Kuiper, Luuk kuiper at hitt.nl
Wed May 6 10:47:11 CEST 2009

Hi all,
Another problem with breakpoints. I am using v1.1 on Suse  Linux 10.0
I have set one break breakpoint in my code.
I start the application.
The debugger stops immediataly as if it breaks at a break point.
But it is not my breakpoint.
The debug toolbar suggets that I can do all the debugging things (
continue, step into, etc), but I do not see a stack.
When I press continue, my application continues, but does not stop at my
Earlier this morning I could debug in the normal way, and the breakpoint
was honoured.
I did not change the building parameters, so it is still a debugversion
of my application.
I attached the gdb input and output to this mail.
I also attached output of QtCreator atd stdout or stderror in
When pressing the 'continue' button the first time, it starts printing
to my konsole.
The second exec-contninue came spontaneously.
Luuk Kuiper

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