[Qt-creator] Not stopping at breakpoint

Kuiper, Luuk kuiper at hitt.nl
Wed May 6 11:40:43 CEST 2009

Here is a new gdb input and gdb output.
I have switched of debugging debug helper.

I did not press 'continue' my self this time, so it continued automatically. But 'temporarily' is must longer than I was used to. ( at least more than one minute now).

I am using this gdb for a longer time already and had periods with no problem.

Concerning the remark: "i.e. the dumpers are loaded but not properly called, but that's a different problem]",

I have another thread in this mailing list concerning the use of the de debug helper. I was trying to experimetn for that, but I cannot do that now, because of this breakpoint problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: qt-creator-bounces at trolltech.com [mailto:qt-creator-bounces at trolltech.com] On Behalf Of André Pönitz
Sent: 06 May 2009 11:14
To: qt-creator at trolltech.com
Subject: Re: [Qt-creator] Not stopping at breakpoint

On Wednesday 06 May 2009 10:47:11 ext Kuiper, Luuk wrote:
> Hi all,
> Another problem with breakpoints. I am using v1.1 on Suse  Linux 10.0
> I have set one break breakpoint in my code.
> I start the application.
> The debugger stops immediataly as if it breaks at a break point.
> But it is not my breakpoint.

It should stop there only temporarily.

> The debug toolbar suggets that I can do all the debugging things ( continue, step into, etc), but I do not see a stack.
> When I press continue, my application continues, but does not stop at my breakpoint.
> Earlier this morning I could debug in the normal way, and the breakpoint was honoured.
> I did not change the building parameters, so it is still a debugversion of my application.
> I attached the gdb input and output to this mail.
> I also attached output of QtCreator atd stdout or stderror in breakpoint_qtc_stdout.txt.
> When pressing the 'continue' button the first time, it starts printing to my konsole.
> The second exec-contninue came spontaneously.

That's probably that's the one that was supposed to continue from the temporary break.

Looks like a timing / reordering problem.

Could you check with a current git build?

Also, you seem to use a gdb cvs version. That's fine in theory, but your output contains


i.e. your gdb produces _two_ running notifications for one 'continue'.
That's a bit strange...

[The next "interesting" bit  is:

  stdout:&"call (void*)qDumpObjectData440(1,24+1,0,0,0,0,0,0)\n"
  stdout:&"Invalid cast.\n"
  stdout:24^error,msg="Invalid cast."

i.e. the dumpers are loaded but not properly called, but that's a different problem]

And the following might be the real problem:

  debug:Current state: 2
  debug:QUEUING COMMAND -break-insert -f qDumpObjectData440

Do you have "Debug debugging helpers" switched on? 
If so, could you re-try after switching them off?


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