[Qt-creator] Integrating Qt with Eclipse - problem if there are more than one Eclipse installation

Piotr Dobrogost pd at 2009.gmane.dobrogost.pl
Mon May 25 21:27:59 CEST 2009


I'm running Vista Home Premium x64.
I have Qt 4.5.1 (qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.1.exe) installed and I
have two Eclipse installations - ganymede (3.4) and galileo (3.5).
I installed qt-eclipse-integration-win32-1.5.1 for ganymede and it works ok.
But when I try to install it also for galileo I get the following error:
"A previous installation of Qt Eclipse Integration was detected.
Please uninstall it before running this installer."

Is it possible to install Qt Eclipse Integration for both Eclipse
installations on the same machine?

Piotr Dobrogost
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