[Qt-creator] C++ parser and anonymous union, structs and classes

Alexander 'hatred' Drozdoff adrozdoff at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 01:37:06 CET 2011

Hi guys!

I have structure in my project, that contain anonymous unions (also tried with structs and classes
- same result) and autocompletion for them look like incorrect. Example below:
~~~ cut here ~~~
#include <stdio.h>

struct st1 
    unsigned long ul;
    unsigned char raw[8];

  // another fields...

struct st2
    unsigned long ul;
    unsigned char raw[8];
  } long_bytes;

  // another fields...

int main()
  struct st1 st1;
  struct st2 st2;

  // correct
  st1.ul            = 0xFFFEFDFC;
  // but:
  st2.long_bytes.ul = 0xFFFEFDFC;
  // and here error:
  ///st2.ul            = 0xFFFEFDFC;
  // but Qt Creator show 'ul' in auto-complete dialog for 'st2.'

  return 0;
~~~ cut here ~~~

in this example in structure 'st1' we can access to fields 'ul' and 'raw' directly - it valid, and
this fields displayed in autocompletion list - it valid. But, in structure 'st2' we can't access to
fields 'ul' and 'raw' directly (compiler exit with error) only via 'long_bytes' - it valid, but
autocomplete list shows all fields:

it look like incorrect. I try to look in to code, but I don't understand it currently and can't
provide fix.

So, should I report issue, or it is 'feature'? :-)

Also, if I rewrite structure 'st2' as below (added type-name for union '__u1__'):
~~~ cut here ~~~
struct st2
  union __u1__
    unsigned long ul;
    unsigned char raw[8];
  } long_bytes;

  // another fields...
~~~ cut here ~~~

Autocomplete list shows correctly, without 'ul' and 'raw' fields.

Alexander Drozdov
FIDO: 2:5045/41.84
Site: http://hatred.homelinux.net
Site: http://archlinux.org.ru

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