[Qt-creator] DeleteEndOfWord does not delete spaces

Luuk Kuiper kuiper at hitt.nl
Tue Mar 6 14:13:27 CET 2012

Dear all,

When shortcut Ctrl+Del is attached to the command
DeleteEndOfWordCamelCase I can type this short-cut repeatedly to delete
consequtive words and spaces and groups of spaces. So in the next
sentence (with3 spaces between each word) I have to type 4 time ctrl

MonKey   Cage

When short Ctrl+Del is attached to the command DeleteEndOfWord I would
expect to type ctrl+del only 3 times, because wihtout CamelCase the word
MonKey will be deleted with one key stroke.
But now the three spaces cannot be deleted anymore with ctrl+del.
And especially with a lot of spaces to delete, it is quit a difference
to type only once ctrl+del or only del for every space.

Is this a bug or is there a logic explanation for this difference in
behaviour between DeleteEndOfWordCamelCase and DeleteEndOfWord?

Best regards,

Luuk Kuiper
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