[Qt-creator] Using QtCreator 2.6 with a BlackBerry Kit

Preet prismatic.project at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 22:28:55 CET 2012

Thanks for the reply, but the article doesn't address the issue I'm facing.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Miettinen Riitta-Leena <
Riitta-Leena.Miettinen at digia.com> wrote:

>  Hello,
>  RIM has submitted some documentation to the Qt Creator project that you
> can find in the Qt Creator 2.6 help or here:
>  http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.6/creator-developing-qnx.html
>  Hope that helps,
>  Leena
>  On Nov 12, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Preet wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm retrying this after getting rejected by the moderator before
> subscribing (no reason given). Please let me know if there's a reason this
> message isn't appropriate for the list.
>   I'm trying to set up QtCreator 2.6 with the BlackBerry Playbook NDK.
> Since there's no guide for the Playbook NDK, I followed this:
> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-Creator-with-BlackBerry-10
> I was able to get my applications to compile and deploy. However,
> QtCreator can't 'find' or 'see' important libs internally. Specifically,
> everything that's *not* a Qt lib can't be seen. This means I get no
> autocomplete or highlighting for things like STL which makes working with
> Creator really painful.
> If I mess with "sysroot" in the new Kits feature for the Blackberry Kit,
> QtCreator will stop "seeing" the Qt libs as well (I left the sysroot is
> blank by default). All this is on a Linux machine. The paths/etc worked
> fine with QtCreator 2.5 but the way a BlackBerry toolchain is set up with
> 2.5 is different.
> So how can I make Qt Creator actually be aware of the correct paths to
> things like the STL, OpenGL ES and other stuff that's in the BlackBerry NDK?
>  Regards,
> Preet
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