[Qt-creator] Creating new project templates

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Wed Nov 28 10:27:18 CET 2012

On 11/28/2012 09:31 AM, Ziller Eike wrote:
> On 27.11.2012, at 23:28, Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com> wrote:
>> I'm wondering if there is a public api/entry point to create new or
>> modify existing new project templates?
> http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-extending/index.html
> "Generating Domain Specific Code and Templates"

Thanks! exactly what  I was looking for.   This does not appear to be 
part of Qt Creator 2.6.0 manual (.qch), I wonder why?

>> For instance, I'd like to tweak the existing "Non-Qt Project" -> "Plain
>> C++ Project (CMake Build)" so that I could do a Cocos2d-x project.
>> Kind of cool would be able to do also Android Cocos2d-x builds from
>> Qt-Creator directly, in the same fashion as Necessitas.
> What prevents you from doing that now?

Perhaps nothing, I haven't tried yet.   So far I have a simple cmake 
project that can I can use to build,run,debug HelloCpp  using 
cocos2d-x-2.0 on linux, from Qt Creator.  That appears to be working fine.

Boosted by that success, I figured I'll try if I can tweak it to build 
an Android version.  I believe OpenCV project port to Android used 
cmake, so hopefully it is straight forward.

Ideally I would be able to use the Kits, deploy to device/emulator, run 
& debug on those as well.

I'm not sure what the Android plugin in 2.6.0 does, or if anyone has put 
it to use.  Presumably it contains most of the pieces necessary for 
cocos2d-x support, especially with regards to debugging support etc.


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