[Qt-creator] qtcreator crashes

Wilhelm wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de
Sun Oct 14 14:27:19 CEST 2012


after last git pull I encounter the following crashes:

lmeier at h242-meier-x201:~$ qtcreator
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'settings' is still in 
use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'settings', 
old connection removed.
addOverrideAction /Starten: Action /Starten is already registered for 
context 1 Global Context.
addOverrideAction /Anhalten: Action /Anhalten is already registered for 
context 1 Global Context.
addOverrideAction /Annotation für Datei: Action /Annotation für Datei is 
already registered for context 1 Global Context.


I used Qt 4.8.2. It compiles fine.

meier at h242-meier-x201:~$ qtcreator -version

Qt Creator 2.6.81 based on Qt 4.8.2

   AnalyzerBase 2.6.81 Code Analyzer Base Plugin
   AnalyzerBase 2.6.81 Code Analyzer Base Plugin
   Android 2.6.81 Support for deployment to and execution on Android Devices
   Android 2.6.81 Support for deployment to and execution on Android Devices
   AutotoolsProjectManager 2.6.81 Autotools project integration.
   AutotoolsProjectManager 2.6.81 Autotools project integration.
   Bazaar 2.6.81 Bazaar integration.
   Bazaar 2.6.81 Bazaar integration.
   BinEditor 2.6.81 Binary editor component.
   BinEditor 2.6.81 Binary editor component.
   Bookmarks 2.6.81 Bookmarks in text editors.
   Bookmarks 2.6.81 Bookmarks in text editors.
   CMakeProjectManager 2.6.81 CMake support
   CMakeProjectManager 2.6.81 CMake support
   CVS 2.6.81 CVS integration.
   CVS 2.6.81 CVS integration.
   ClassView 2.6.81 Class View component.
   ClassView 2.6.81 Class View component.
   ClearCase 2.6.81 ClearCase integration.
   ClearCase 2.6.81 ClearCase integration.
   CodePaster 2.6.81 Codepaster plugin for pushing/fetching diff from server
   CodePaster 2.6.81 Codepaster plugin for pushing/fetching diff from server
   Core 2.6.81 The core plugin for the Qt IDE.
   Core 2.6.81 The core plugin for the Qt IDE.
   CppEditor 2.6.81 C/C++ editor component.
   CppEditor 2.6.81 C/C++ editor component.
   CppTools 2.6.81 Tools for analyzing C/C++ code.
   CppTools 2.6.81 Tools for analyzing C/C++ code.
   Debugger 2.6.81 Debugger integration.
   Debugger 2.6.81 Debugger integration.
   Designer 2.6.81 Qt Designer integration.
   Designer 2.6.81 Qt Designer integration.
   FakeVim 2.6.81 VI-style keyboard navigation.
   FakeVim 2.6.81 VI-style keyboard navigation.
   Find 2.6.81 Provides the find widget and the hooks for find 
   Find 2.6.81 Provides the find widget and the hooks for find 
   GLSLEditor 2.6.81 Editor for GLSL.
   GLSLEditor 2.6.81 Editor for GLSL.
   GenericProjectManager 2.6.81 Generic support
   GenericProjectManager 2.6.81 Generic support
   Git 2.6.81 Git integration.
   Git 2.6.81 Git integration.
   HelloWorld 2.6.81 Hello World sample plugin.
   HelloWorld 2.6.81 Hello World sample plugin.
   Help 2.6.81 Help system.
   Help 2.6.81 Help system.
   ImageViewer 2.6.81 Image Viewer component.
   ImageViewer 2.6.81 Image Viewer component.
   Locator 2.6.81 Provides the Locator widget and the hooks for Locator 
filter implementations.
   Locator 2.6.81 Provides the Locator widget and the hooks for Locator 
filter implementations.
   Macros 2.6.81 Macros in text editors.
   Macros 2.6.81 Macros in text editors.
   Madde 2.6.81 Support for MADDE-based platforms, including Fremantle 
and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
   Madde 2.6.81 Support for MADDE-based platforms, including Fremantle 
and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
   Mercurial 2.6.81 Mercurial integration.
   Mercurial 2.6.81 Mercurial integration.
   Perforce 2.6.81 Perforce integration.
   Perforce 2.6.81 Perforce integration.
   ProjectExplorer 2.6.81 ProjectExplorer framework that can be extended 
with different kind of project types.
   ProjectExplorer 2.6.81 ProjectExplorer framework that can be extended 
with different kind of project types.
   QmlJSEditor 2.6.81 Editor for QML and JavaScript.
   QmlJSEditor 2.6.81 Editor for QML and JavaScript.
   QmlJSInspector 2.5.1 Debugger for QML files
   QmlJSTools 2.6.81 Tools for analyzing Qml/JS code.
   QmlJSTools 2.6.81 Tools for analyzing Qml/JS code.
   QmlProfiler 2.6.81 Qml Profiler Plugin
   QmlProfiler 2.6.81 Qml Profiler Plugin
   QmlProjectManager 2.6.81 Qt Quick support
   QmlProjectManager 2.6.81 Qt Quick support
   Qnx 2.6.81 Adds support for QNX to Qt Creator
   Qt4ProjectManager 2.6.81 Provides project type for Qt 4 pro files and 
   Qt4ProjectManager 2.6.81 Provides project type for Qt 4 pro files and 
   QtSupport 2.6.81 Provides support code for build systems.
   QtSupport 2.6.81 Provides support code for build systems.
   QtTest 2.4.81 Automated Testing Plugin
   RemoteLinux 2.6.81 Support for deployment to and execution on a 
remote Linux host.
   RemoteLinux 2.6.81 Support for deployment to and execution on a 
remote Linux host.
   ResourceEditor 2.6.81 Editor for qrc files.
   ResourceEditor 2.6.81 Editor for qrc files.
   ScmGit 2.4.81 Git integration.
   Subversion 2.6.81 Subversion integration.
   Subversion 2.6.81 Subversion integration.
   TaskList 2.6.81 Use .tasks-files to populate the Issues view.
   TaskList 2.6.81 Use .tasks-files to populate the Issues view.
   TextEditor 2.6.81 Text editor framework and the implementation of the 
basic text editor.
   TextEditor 2.6.81 Text editor framework and the implementation of the 
basic text editor.
   Todo 2.6.81 Adds pane that lists all TODO, FIXME, etc. entries in 
   Todo 2.6.81 Adds pane that lists all TODO, FIXME, etc. entries in 
   UpdateInfo 2.6.81 Displays Update-Infos for Qt Installer 
Framework-based Updaters.
   UpdateInfo 2.6.81 Displays Update-Infos for Qt Installer 
Framework-based Updaters.
   VCSBase 2.4.81 Version Control System Base Plugin
   Valgrind 2.6.81 Valgrind Plugin
   Valgrind 2.6.81 Valgrind Plugin
   VcsBase 2.6.81 Version Control System Base Plugin
   VcsBase 2.6.81 Version Control System Base Plugin
   Welcome 2.6.81 Default Welcome Screen Plugin
   Welcome 2.6.81 Default Welcome Screen Plugin

(C) 2012 Digia Plc


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