[Qt-creator] User settings file and collaborative work

Orgad Shaneh orgads at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 09:12:49 CET 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Barbara Post <bpo at eonix.be> wrote:

> Hello,
> Initially posted to qt-project.org forum, now bringing the subject here,
> thanks to a suggestion.
> Reading this old closed feature request (
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-7888) I think of
> basic project situation which I work with right now:
> -  I develop a custom Qt plugin
> -  I have to copy my dll to a specific folder for execution by a plugins
> host
> - I have to run a custom executable to launch this plugins host program
> and use my custom plugin
> -  An environment variable is used for base path of commands configured in
> build/run settings
> So if anyone else works on project it would be fine that:
> - when reconfiguring project since his/her kit is slightly different from
> mine, all the other things are kept (build/run custom commands). I didn't
> verify what happens
> - timestamp change wouldn't be effective so often, only when there are
> modifications, this would be better when working with version control.
> So my suggestion is to move commands to another file than the user
> settings, surely in a custom syntax in .pro file. This way we could also
> have build/run commands way more flexible (use of environment variables,
> not just elimited to sourceDir andbuildDir).
> And keep other things in .pro.user that would be safely ignored by version
> control without loosing information.
> This idea came to me immediately after playing with build/run settings, I
> told myself, duh this is not as convenient as in Visual Studio (where I
> daily practice C#).
> Just my two cents :-)
> Thanks for reading,
> Barbara
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Can you explain what you're missing in

- Orgad
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