[Qt-creator] Remote GDB debugging.

Tim Hutt tdhutt at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 15:45:28 CEST 2014

Oh wow, that finally did the trick! Everything works! So in summery here
were the things that I wish I had known/need to be fixed:

1. You need to build a gdb with arm and python support. There is a Makefile
in the QtCreator repo which will download all the code and build it for you
2. But first you need to change the targets to "targets=arm-none-eabi" and
the hard-coded arch on line 113 to "arm-none-eabi".
3. If using QBS you must have "application" in your "type" property. It
might need to be first; I'm not sure. But it doesn't work if "application"
is implicitly built - it must be explicitly listed.
4. You must disable QML debugging in the run configuration or you'll get an
empty error dialog when debugging and it won't work.
5. You must use the appropriate "monitor" commands in the device
configuration, otherwise breakpoints won't do anything:

mon speed 10000
mon endian little
mon flash download = 1
mon flash device = NRF51822
mon reset 0

6. You must enable "Use asynchronous mode to control the inferior" or
QtCreator will crash when you pause execution or set breakpoints while it's
7. You probably want to disable "Show a message box when receiving a
signal" or you'll get a pointless dialog every time you pause execution.

Phew! Well, now that it works I'm pretty happy! That was a lot of effort
though with more than a few Qt Creator bugs. I guess BareMetal is pretty
new. Thanks very much for writing it Tim and thanks everyone for your help!

Hopefully at some point I will have time to put this in a nice tutorial
form on the Qt wiki, but I guess this email will be searchable by google at
least. Here's some keywords: Nordic nRF51822 nRF51422 ARM Cortex SEGGER Qt
Creator  QBS debug GDB.



PS: I don't think I ever solved the --datadirectory problem, but I'll leave
that for now.

On 18 June 2014 14:29, Tim Sander <tim at krieglstein.org> wrote:

> Hi Tim
> Am Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014, 11:12:48 schrieben Sie:
> > Oh wow I finally got it to work! The key was to use the initialisation
> > commands provided by Nordic (who make the nRF51822)!:
> >
> > mon speed 10000
> >
> > mon endian little
> >
> > mon flash download = 1
> >
> > mon flash device = NRF51822
> >
> > mon reset 0
> >
> >
> > However, I have no discovered a segfault in QtCreator! It crashes
> > ("qtcreator.exe has stopped working") if you do either of:
> >
> >
> > 1. Manually pause program execution.
> >
> > 2. Add a breakpoint while the program is running.
> I guess thats a Windows problem, but that can be omitted if you *enable*
> Tools->Options->Debugger->GDB Extended->"Use asynchronous mode to control
> the
> inferior".
> > So close!
> On the mark with the above config change :-).
> > On 18 June 2014 10:58, Tim Hutt <tdhutt at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The same files is generated in both cases though... If it's checking
> for
> > > the string "application" in the types list, I think that should just be
> > > removed. If it's seeing if the "last" build item is an "application",
> or
> > > if
> > > any of the explicitly specified types are "application", then I think
> that
> > > should be changed to search the entire build tree for the "application"
> > > node.
> > >
> > > Anyway...
> > >
> > > I forgot to mention that I also get this error when clicking the debug
> > > button:
> > >
> > > [image: Inline images 1]
> > >
> > > What is the "inferior"?
> > >
> > > I also tried using "break main.cpp:51" from the official Gnu ARM
> Embedded
> > > install (which is the one the chip maker recommend so I know it should
> > > work). It had the same effect as break-insert did from QtCreator... So
> > > maybe it's just that Eclipse (what they use) knows to use monitor setbp
> > > instead of break? Or maybe they tell gdb how break should behave?
> You should also *disable* Tools->Options->Debugger->GDB->"Show a message
> box
> when receiving a signal" to get rid of the message box when hitting a
> breakpoint.
> Best regards
> Tim
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