[Qt-creator] Syntax highlighting of PHP files

Jochen Becher jochen_becher at gmx.de
Mon Jun 23 23:21:03 CEST 2014

Am Montag, den 23.06.2014, 08:33 +0000 schrieb Hunger Tobias:
> On 20.06.2014 20:10, Jochen Becher wrote:
>  > I would like to use QtCreator for some small PHP/HTML5/CSS/Javascript
>  > projects I am currently working on.
> Creator might not be the best tool for this job.

Surely not the best but I don't want to use another IDE just because I
want to edit some php files and jQuery code. I already started to create
some file wizards for Web projects, PHP and HTML files.

> > Any idea what's going wrong?
> Unfortunately I do not, but then the editors are not really my area of 
> expertise.
> > I do not have "Kate" installed on my system
> > but "gedit" from Gnome 3. It highlights these files correctly but I am
> > not sure if gedit also uses the Kate definitions.
> AFAIK gedit is using a completely different highlighter. So that gedit 
> works is not really a sign that creator should also work.
> Creator will most likely also have trouble with PHP embedded in HTML. 
> AFAIK (not my area of expertise, see above) Creator has one generic 
> highlighter, so you will get either PHP or HTML.

I found this http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.qt.general/42686

If I understand it right QtCreator should already be able to handle
embedded highlighting.

But for now I would be happy to know why PHP highlighting isn't working.
Embedded HTML is the next step.

Regards, Jochen

> Best Regards,
> Tobias

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