[Qt-creator] Fwd: [Development] QtModeling - the last mile

Tomaz Canabrava tomaz.canabrava at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 13:20:16 CEST 2015

Forwarding message from sandro about Code Enginering / UML plugin.
this is not an itemview stuff  ;)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandro Andrade <sandroandrade at kde.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 5:26 PM
Subject: [Development] QtModeling - the last mile
To: "development at qt-project.org" <development at qt-project.org>

Hi there,

Some time ago, I started the development of QtModeling : a qt add-on
aimed at providing metamodeling features and the basic infrastructure
for dealing with software models. It already has a lot of interesting
features and now I have the available time to making it good enough to
be released.

There are, however, some design choices I would like to discuss and
get some feedback from some of you guys. Implementing the UML
metamodel, for example, requires a considerable time investiment. Part
of this is already done, but I would like to set up a plan to
incrementally release such features.

So, would anyone be willing to provide some guidance and keep up with
QtModeling to its release ?

Thanks in advance,
Development mailing list
Development at qt-project.org
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