[Qt-creator] QML codecompletion for QML based component

Benjamin Zeller benjamin.zeller at canonical.com
Fri May 8 13:14:21 CEST 2015

Am 08.05.2015 um 12:59 schrieb Koehne Kai:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Benjamin Zeller [mailto:benjamin.zeller at canonical.com]
>> [...]
>>> What exactly is your 'Component'? Is it a Qt Quick plugin, a library ... and
>> how are the .qml files embedded?
>>> Regards
>>> Kai
>> The Component would be a pure QML based component. No library.
>> The QMake just makes sure they are in the import path when installed.
> Alright, but does the 'component' implement an import? If so, setting QML_IMPORT_PATH in your .pro file is what you're looking for.
> Regards
> Kai
Yes it ships a qmldir file if that is what you mean.

So it means I have to set the QML_IMPORT_PATH in my application subdir 
project, or is it
enough if I set it in the root level project.



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