[Qt-creator] NimPlugin: autocompletion

Tobias Hunger tobias.hunger at gmail.com
Fri May 22 18:50:11 CEST 2015

Am 22.05.2015 11:03 schrieb "Filippo Cucchetto" <filippocucchetto at gmail.com
> Thank you!
> Btw supposing i arrive at a good implementation of my plugin, is there a
chance for it being integrated in the master branch?
> In other words, do you accept contributions for plugins for other

I personally are always in favor of including plugins -- provided they are
useful to more than a fringe group of people.

I am also always in favor of removing unmaintained code though:-) So having
(a couple of?) people committed to maintain any plugin is a really good
idea if you do not want to wake up and find your plugin deleted:-)

But if course the decission to include something is heavily dependent on
the quality of the code, how intrusive a plugin is, etc.

Best Regards,
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