[Qt-creator] ModelEditor plugin

Jochen Becher jochen_becher at gmx.de
Wed Oct 7 19:03:49 CEST 2015

Am Mittwoch, den 07.10.2015, 14:40 +1300 schrieb Christian Gagneraud:

> >
> > The real state machine is already planned (see Wiki page). Currently the
> > possibility of having numbered relations is still missing. I want to
> May I ask what do you mean by "numbered" relations?

Mixed it up. I want to implement auto-numbering for relations in
sequence diagrams not state charts.

> Another missing feature is the ability to add self-relation in class 
> diagrams (like the parent property of the QObject class)

One of the hidden features - I need to write some user documentation :)

Self-Relation is currently limited to associations between classes (I
should allow self-dependencies for activity diagrams but that will be
part of the customizable relations feature). Start a new assoziation,
press "Shift" to create a new intermediate-point while dragging the
assoziation. Create another intermediate-point and drop the assoziation
at the same class.

BTW, you can always add more points by Shift + Left-Click over a
relation and deleting a point by pressing Ctrl + Left-Click over a

If you simply drag an assoziation and drop it over the same class you
will not get a self-assoziation intentionally.

> > implement customizable relations first. After that state machines should
> > not be difficult.
> For state diagram, it would be very nice to have something that follows 
> the specificities of the Qt State machine framework and can export to 
> SCXML. Support for code generation could be added later then.
> https://blog.qt.io/blog/category/scxml/
> http://security.hsr.ch/mse/projects/2011_Code_Generator_for_UML_State_Machines.pdf

Please remember that this is an open source tool so you are welcome to
implement some features :)

> >
> > Sequence diagrams are a different story. Currently I only support canvas
> > diagrams where everything is layouted by coordinates. Sequence diagrams
> > need a dynamic layout engine which is much more complex.
> Really? You could maybe use a simpler approach where the user can place 
> lifeline freely on the canvas. A bit like "Gnomw Dia" does.

At least one need some good layout helpers to insert and remove
relations in sequence diagrams and move other relations up and down as

I will start implementing life-lines for canvas diagrams which also help
on activity diagrams.

Regards, Jochen

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