[Qt-creator] [Development] Nominating Denis Shienkov for Approver status

Sze Howe Koh szehowe.koh at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 15:40:30 CEST 2017

On 6 July 2017 at 14:36, André Hartmann <andre.hartmann at iseg-hv.de> wrote:
> I'd like to propose the nomination of Denis Shienkov for Approver
> status.
> Denis has been the maintainer of QtSerialPort for a long time now.
> He also formed the architecture of QtSerialBus and provided several CAN plugins there. He further contributes to other parts of Qt and QtCreator and is actively reviewing other changes (for example he has constructively improved a lot of my changes to QtSerialBus).
> This is his own Gerrit dashboard:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/q/owner:%22Denis+Shienkov+%253Cdenis.shienkov%2540gmail.com%253E%22,n,z
> And these are his reviews:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Denis+Shienkov+%253Cdenis.shienkov%2540gmail.com%253E%22,n,z
> Best regards,
> André



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