[Qt-creator] Qt Creator 4.3.0, Qt 5.9.0: problems with cmake support

Helmut Mülner helmut.muelner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 17:35:51 CEST 2017


Thanks for your help.

>> 1. Build a project mit cmake and Qt 5.8.0 (msvc2013-64) works, but I
cannot debug qml (Enable QML in Debugger Settings is checked, but
Application Output says:

>> The "Enable QML in Debugger Settings will just start the debugger in
Creator and try to attach to the debugging port of your application.

>>You will need to build the support for debugging into the application for
that to work though. I am no QML expert, but apparently all you need to do
is to define QT_QML_DEBUG before including QtQuick. Adding that to the
relevant CMake targets should work fine.

>> Please make sure to disable QML debugging support when creating release
binaries that you want to ship.

I added in my main.cpp before any include:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define QT_QML_DEBUG

Now debugging works.

Note: This is not needed if I use qmake with a project.pro file.
Perhaps this should be documented in the QtCreator help.


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