[Qt-creator] Another enhancement idea: translations

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Wed Mar 15 15:57:02 CET 2017

The Qt Linguist software is looking rather dated. But looks aside, I think it can be better. I realize that not everyone has to translate their software, but I'm up to 11 languages for one and 14 languages for another app.

I was thinking that there could be an integration with qsTr(), where the interface could be dynamically changed. I've got a few ideas so I'll throw them all out and see if any stick:

1. in the source file (qml, .h, cpp) the language can be changed via some GUI control, so that you can see what translations are going to look like. This could be done in-line:
qsTr("English") -(es_ES)->  qsTr("Ingles")

2. or in a floating window GUI, (probably via a mousehover tooltip?)
qsTr("English") -> 
    | es_ES | Ingles      | 1.1 |
    | fr_FR | Anglais     | 1.0 |
    | zh    | 英语         | 0.5 |
    | ta_IN |             | nan |
    | te_IN | [import]    | nan |
Here, I have the language from the TS element, the translation, and a factor that compares the translated string length via some font specification (from somewhere) to the relative sizes of the source translation. (Though Chinese is 2 chars, it is 50% of "English". Also Tamil and Telugu are shown blank because the translation is missing. However Telugu has a translation in a phrase book, so an import button is shown.

3. Some screen that embeds Qt Linguist, or something like Linguist. What I'd like to see is one of two varieties:
a. Context-aware mini linguist (Showing only phrases for the context in the editor) or 
b. An app-summary screen (really just all contexts) that shows translations and in particular missing translations.


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