[Qt-creator] Deploy Unit Test

Daniel Ro daniel.roehrborn at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 09:43:02 CET 2018

I posted my question a month ago, but did get no answer. Maybe somebody on
this mailing lists can help me. My question was:

Is it possible to deploy googletest executables to a remote device by using
the "Test" view (e.g. by clicking on "Run All Tests"?

The deployment should be configured correctly in my case, because after
clicking "Run" or "Start Debugging" the executable is deployed and started
on my device. The gtest output is then shown in the "Application Output".

But I want to run only test cases which are selected in the "Test" view and
see the results in the "Test Results" view. When I click on "Run This Test"
I get the error:

FATAL Failed to start test for project "CommonTestbench".
Command line: /home/......./CommonTestbench --gtest_filter=_8_Utils.*
Run configuration: "CommonTestbench"

I think it skips the deploy step and tries to start the executable locally
(which can not work, because it is compiled for an embedded system).

Is it possible to use the "Tests" and "Test Results" views in combination
with remote devices?

Edit: I'm also not able to debug test cases. The debugger won't stop at any
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