[Qt-creator] Tutorials about Qt Creator plugins

Davide Coppola vivaladav at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 09:40:11 CET 2019


yesterday I published an article on my blog hat explains how to create a Qt
Creator plugin in C++. You can read it here:

In this article I try to explain all the basic concepts you need when
creating a plugin and then I guide you trough a practical example that
creates a simple plugin with an option page.

Few hours after my post, Cristian Adam has published another interesting
article on Qt's blog about Building Qt Creator plugins with GitHub Actions.
You can read it here:

I hope this could help whoever wants to create a plugin for Qt Creator.


*Davide Coppola*

*website:* http://www.davidecoppola.com
*blog:* http://blog.davidecoppola.com

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