[Qt-creator] DebugerEngine: Need a short description of its "state machine"

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 12:23:20 CET 2019

Ahh.. No... Many thanks, now I see it.

чт, 21 нояб. 2019 г. в 13:55, André Pönitz <Andre.Poenitz at qt.io>:

> Hi.
> Have you seen line 194-333 in debuggerplugin.cpp ?
> Andre'
> ________________________________________
> From: Qt-creator <qt-creator-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Denis
> Shienkov <denis.shienkov at gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:16 AM
> To: qt-creator
> Subject: [Qt-creator] DebugerEngine: Need a short description of its
> "state     machine"
> Hi all.
> I'm is in process of integration of a new debugger engine from the KEIL
> uVision to allow to debug a bare-metal devices usin the KEIL's uVision
> debugger.
> But, seems, I'm get stuck a bit with implementation of a my
> DebuggerEngine. It is hard to me to examine how it should to work using
> e.g. the CDB or GDB engines as an examples (as they contains a lot of code
> and it is hard to track of each step).
> So, I need in a minimal brief description how it should work. f.e. :
> 1. What's I need to call to notify an end of setupEngine() call in case of
> success and in case of error (what of inferior state?).
> 2. What's I need to call to notify an end of runEngine() call in case of
> success and in case of error (what of inferior state?).
> 3. What's I need to call to notify an end of shutdownInferior() call in
> case of success and in case of error (what of inferior state?).
> 4. What's I need to call to notify an end of abortDebuggerProcess() call
> in case of success and in case of error (what of inferior state?).
> 5. What a minimal set of this virtual calls should be overriden to make
> the engine work?
> 6. Should I update/reload the stack, local variables, update location,
> registers every executeStep{In|Out|Over}?
> Could you please advise a minimum set of this calls and the expected
> reactions on? Maybe, do you have some documentation?
> In this case I can speed-up my integration:
> https://github.com/denis-shienkov/qt-creator/tree/uvsc  (I'm even not
> sure that is it possible... But I will attempt do it)
> BR,
> Denis
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