[Qt-creator] Annoyance with 4.11

Christian Gagneraud chgans at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 10:45:04 CET 2020

On Wed, 19 Feb 2020 at 21:52, Christian Kandeler
<Christian.Kandeler at qt.io> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Feb 2020 11:01:32 +1300
> Christian Gagneraud <chgans at gmail.com> wrote:
> > But my point was quite simple:
> > QtC 4.11 is broken, and has been released untested (or was knowingly
> > buggy), it doesn't seem to be anywhere near release quality (or i'm
> > really unlucky).
> This sounds quite hyperbolic, considering that your problem is just that the project tree structure looks slightly different from what you'd prefer.

This sounds quite reverse hyperbolic. Like you're over-minimising the
impact of this bug.

For personal reason, i had to switch from a friendly 24/7 open source
user to a 8h/day, 5d/w commercial user.
The project explorer is a GUI component that assists the user with
graphically exploring a project.
The screenshots i sent recently clearly show a regression, not a
'preference issue'.

Please as well take a note of my comment about cmake plugin being
immature, my hate of this build system is orthogonal with the problem.
If it's not ready, it should be marked as such. There's no exemption.
Some of QtC plugins have been marked as experimental for 5+ years.

And IMHO the regression nature of this problem (what i refer to as an
'annoyance' in my original email) is backed by the fact that it was
fixed with QtC-4.12. You wouldn't fix a non-problem, would you?

What i'm surprised, and unhappy with is that there's no bug fix
available with the now-commercial-only Qt SDK installer, and my
current Qt install is broken (I'm paid to use QtC 8 hours a day, and
right now i cannot rely on your commercial offering, they just don't
work) . You rely on me to be an 'advanced' user. Unfortunately this
time is now gone.
The only option i got from the installer was to install an obsolete
QtC 4.11 preview version. WTF?!?
This doesn't look serious to me. You guys failed on that one, and it's
OK, shit happens.

If you're serious with getting the business up to scratch, you better
have to deliver commercial solutions up to scratch.

I am highly unimpressed with the 'commercial' solution so far.

With all due respect, please always take my emails with a pinch of
salt - But not too much, i really mean what i said! :P


PS: I was told about the fact that none of the 'business' guy listen
to this ML. Unfortunately my commercial leverage is close to minus
We're a minority using QtC here, and given the 'bug' reported above,
and the reaction form the the Qt Company, my job of helping you with
getting developers adopt QtC in favour of, say MS VS or Android studio
is quite slim.

**** I would look ridiculous to show them the screenshot i sent to you ***

Do you understand?

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