[Qt-creator] Performance of the editor (with git plugin)

André Hartmann aha_1980 at gmx.de
Sun May 14 06:58:18 CEST 2023

Hi Björn,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Could you please create a bugreport for this so it is not forgotten?

Meanwhile, I think you don't need to deactivate the whole git plugin,
it would be enough to disable Instant Blame in Edit > Preferences >
Version Control > Git.

I can understand that getAuthorName takes some time because it is
synchronous, but it would be nice to know which part of instantBlame()
takes that much time because everything here should be async.

Best regards,

Am 13.05.23 um 23:21 schrieb Björn Schäpers:
> Am 11.05.2023 um 22:35 schrieb Björn Schäpers:
>> Hi there,
>> I recently got a new machine at work, sadly with a new(ly configured)
>> anti virus software. And the performance of QtCreator when editing
>> went down. I thought the anti virus was to blame (in a way it is,
>> because if it's deactivated everything is fine again),
>> [...]
>> When I click into another editor (split view) or press F4 I've to wait
>> about 3 seconds before I can continue to work.
>> Kind regards,
>> Björn.
> While this is being worked on (and I tried that patch) I discovered my
> delay comes from somewhere else. A little bit (de-)activating plugins to
> see who is to blame I can say my main delay is produced by the lambda
> "setupBlameForEditor" in GitPluginPrivate::steupInstantBlame.
> I put some qDebug timings in that function, the call to
> GitClient::instance()->getAuthor(workingDirectory) takes something
> between 1.1 and 1.4 seconds, and in the end the call to instantBlame()
> takes another 1.2 to 1.3 seconds.
> While I still try to convince my IT department that tools like git are
> not dangerous and should not be delayed by the anti virus, for now I
> disable the git plugin. But it would be nice if maybe this code could
> run on a different thread so that it doesn't block the main loop.
> Björn.

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