[Qt-interest] Designing "advanced dialog" in qt4-designer

Michal Ludvig mludvig at logix.net.nz
Tue Jun 23 07:53:49 CEST 2009

Hi all,

what's the best approach to implement a Basic / Advanced dialog in QT4?

What I have in mind is a dialog that will only ask for some basic stuff
by default (a serial number in my case) and would have a checkbox or a
button labeled "Advanced settings" that, when triggered, will show some
more input fields in the same window. And also replace "Advanced
settings" with "Basic settings" button / checkbox.

I wonder if I need two separate dialog designs with partly the same
layout and widget names or if I somehow can have a single dialog that
would come up half-hidden and only show itself in the full shine after
clicking the Advanced button.

Ideally would like to design it in QT4 Designer, but if it's better to
do it in code that's not a big issue.

Thanks for suggestions


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